Xchange prevention registry

About the Xchange prevention registry

Xchange is an online registry of thoroughly evaluated prevention interventions. Use the options below to find prevention programmes or strategies. Find here a toolbox for implementers to make their interventions ready for inclusion in Xchange and fitter for real-life use. Read more about Xchange here.

Nuestros colaboradores

El registro de prevención EvidenciaViva es fruto de la colaboración entre la EMCDDA y una serie de organizaciones colaboradoras. Puedes encontrar más información sobre nuestros colaboradores en este enlace.

Buscador de programas

Programme title Sort descending Date added European countries where evaluated Xchange rating
"Calmly - Learning to Learn Yourself": a Social-Emotional-Learning (SEL) programme to improve children’s self-regulation skills Portugal Additional studies recommended
1, 2, 3, Emoció! - Socio-Emotional Learning (SEL) programme in elementary schools Spain Possibly beneficial
A Stop Smoking in Schools Trial (ASSIST) - an educational, peer-led programme to promote non-smoking United Kingdom Beneficial
Aggression Replacement Training (ART) - a three component programme for young male juvenile offenders to teach pro-social behaviours, reduce and control aggression and promote higher level of moral reasoning Norway, Sweden Additional studies recommended
Aktion Glasklar - an educational programme about alcohol for pupils and their parents Germany Possibly beneficial
Be Smart — Don’t Start - a competition of school classes to remain smoke free for six months Finland, Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland Possibly beneficial
BE smokeFREE - enhance students’ self-efficacy to help them cope with social pressure in school Norway Beneficial
Community Parent Education Programme (COPE) - a large-group community-based programme for parents of children with behavioural disorder symptoms Sweden Likely to be beneficial
Connect - a programme for parents of adolescents with aggressive, violent and antisocial behaviour Italy, Sweden Possibly beneficial
Coping Power/Utrecht Coping Power (CPP) - an indicated programme for children with disruptive behaviour Italy, Netherlands Beneficial

Collaborations and partnerships in best practice
