ThINC-3 Naloxone Conference

logo of the ThINC-3 Naloxone Conference

The ThINC-3 Naloxone Conference takes place in Oslo, Norway, 31 August-1 September 2023. It brings international experts together for a day with presentations on overdose prevention and take-home Naloxone where the EMCDDA is represented.

The programme includes:

  • 30 September: harm reduction highlights with visits including the heroin-assisted treatment clinic and the drug consumption room.
  • 31 September: Naloxone research summit.  The research summit aims to bring together international naloxone researchers, clinicians, and decision makers to exchange ideas and participate in conversations about the future of naloxone research. The summit will provide an opportunity to discuss critical research gaps.
  • 1 October: International naloxone conference. ThINC-3 conference brings international experts together for a day with presentations on overdose prevention and take-home Naloxone. Themes include: Local experiences and common challenges; Existing and growing target groups; What works? The current evidence base; and The international perspective: main challenges and trends.